Menopause and weight loss

Menopause is bad enough for a adult female to have to deal with, but an issue that must be addressed is weight loss afterward menopause. It is far too easy for women to gain weight at and afterward menopause, so learning the best tips for weight loss after menopause is a big idea.
menopause and weight loss : tip one - equilibrate Your Hormones
Unbalanced hormones is the main culprit when it comes to menopausal weight gain. It is crucial that you get your hormones under control if you desire to see  any kind of weight loss.

Menopause and weight loss ( You Have To Read This Great Article )

Discover How to Lose Weight After Menopause

Weight gain after menopause
is a subject that seems to come up more and more with some of my contemporaries, generally when contemplating dessert after a salad lunch [with no dressing, please!] It is not as if we really mention the words: "menopause" or "weight gain" goodness no! We talk of trimming down a little, just to fit into those new jeans. The reality is harsh enough, we gain weight after menopause, and unless we work a little harder at keeping fit and staying healthy, we will see our middle expanding. Mostly the gain is on the stomach, butt and chest; my bra size went from a C cup to a double E! As I look at my friends passed their menopause I would say that the average weight gain is 15 to 30 pounds, I am closest to the 30 pound mark.Yet my cupboard is bare of sugar or sweet treats like chocolate cookies; butter on my toast is just a distant memory. As for carbs, I can only dream.
When I was younger and in the full arrogance of youth I would look at those matronly dowagers and wonder why they couldn't just stop eating and start exercising, I would see their excess weight as the direct result of indulgence in rich foods and easy living. As if it was so easy!
As we begin the early stages of menopause, avoiding weight gain becomes more difficult.
Middle aged spread is a result of many factors:
o Heredity
o Hormonal changes Hormones have a direct influence on our appetite, metabolism, and body fat storage. We also then develop insulin resistance and this in turn is encouraging our bodies to store fat, rather than burn calories
o Stress levels
o Health and fitness
o Diet
o A more sedentary lifestyle
o Insulin resistance. "Insulin resistance" is why our body changes how it metabolizes the food we eat.
o Thyroid function
o Digestive health
o Allergies and food intolerance
All those elements are linked; it would be very hard to pinpoint one particular reason for gaining weight after menopause. Women often have greater stress during this period in their life, children growing up [those teenage years], job difficulties, marital problems and just the stress of growing older in an ever increasing youth oriented culture. Stress cause adrenal fatigue and this will frequently lead to reliance on stimulants like caffeine and/or over consumption of sugar snacks and carbohydrates, thus creating a vicious cycle.
Losing weight after menopause is a lot harder as our metabolism slows down.
Of a 1,000 calories ingested as food before menopause, 700 of them would be used and around 300 of would be stored. After menopause, 700 will be stored and only 300 will be used! This is a huge difference, and the outcome is weight gain!
I am pleased to say that since I started going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week I feel a lot more energetic and I watch my diet: no sugar where ever possible, no carbs after lunch and I snack on fruit, vegetables and natural unsweetened yogurt. I think the hardest part was starting, I felt ridiculous at first in my oversize t-shirt and baggy track pants, but really who would I kid, I am middle aged and overweight but at least I am doing something about it.
I've gone through menopause myself, i know how hard it can be to lose weight after menopause. To find out how to lose weight after menopause visit my website at how to lose weight after menopause
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